Saturday, February 9, 2013


I need to take a break from the big, multi-picture posts. Today is a typically busy Saturday with the usual housecleaning and homework, a birthday party, a piano festival, running errands (like the Asian grocery store where I let the little girls talk me into buying way too much Asian junk food--probably because I secretly wanted it myself), and updating the mini-van! I'm pretty excited about that. The old one has some semi-serious issues, and the new one has SEAT WARMERS. What more could a girl ask for in the middle of a Utah winter?

So today's post is nothing more than my confessions for the week:

1) I still don't know who won the Super Bowl. That's how into it I'm not.

2) I occasionally drink out of the milk carton.

3) I've been driving around in an unregistered car for about 6 months. (Good thing I'm getting a new one today.)

4) I've become totally and completely addicted to Downton Abbey. Partly for the clothes and scenery, and partly because I want servants. This morning after making eggs and toast for everyone but Kate who wasn't downstairs yet, I set aside a plate of food for her. When she finally showed her face around 10am, she asked if I had washed any underwear. I told her where the clean laundry was, pointed out the plate of food and suddenly realized, I'M THEIR SERVANT! Where's MY servant?

5) There is a small bag of dark chocolate salted caramels hidden in my master closet. They can't take that away from me . . .


  1. The Ravens. Just remember the Baltimore Ravens won. HAHAHA. I also love Downton Abbey but am not as into Season 3 as I was with 1 and 2, please try watching Suits from USA. It is my favorite show now, and for some strange reason, I feel smarter watching it.

    1. I've been DVR-ing "Suits" ever since you last recommended it to me. (Was it you, or someone else?) I just need to find the time to sit down and watch it! (Maybe I'm afraid I'll get hooked . . .) Thanks for the news flash on the Super Bowl. Now, who did the Ravens play?

  2. Allyson, I want you as my neighbor. You would make life so fun! Congrats on the new car. Seat warmers are heavenly! :)

    1. I've already noticed a significant increase in my quality of life.

  3. You are hilarious. I want servants too! Bad. ;)

    1. There's nothing bad about it, Catherine! What's bad is that you and I don't have enough money to have full-time servants. They would love the work, and we would love the help. That sounds like a beautiful thing to me. Besides, there's more than enough work to go around, even with servants. (Can you tell I'm really serious about this?)


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