Friday, November 8, 2013

Gratitude--Day 8

Today I am grateful that I finished my POM/MM post in record breaking time. I was still in my bathrobe with a towel on my head at 11:55, but I somehow managed to get dressed, do my hair and makeup, and feed Rachel and her friend lunch before getting them out the door in time to pick up two more kindergartners and get to school by 12:30.

I'm grateful for a second lunch date in one week (so unusual!) with a good friend I haven't visited with in way too long at a new and yummy restaurant in American Fork called The Wild Zucchini Grill. Good conversation over tasty food is one of the best things in life! 

I am grateful for the gorgeous weather that will last all weekend (sunny and 60s) and a reason to get outside everyday to be in the weather, no matter what it is: 

I am grateful that these cute people come home every day from school just when I'm getting tired of the silence: 

(Insert picture of Elizabeth here.)

And I'm grateful for a fun date night tonight of window shopping and dinner with Brandon at Gardner Village. (And the convenience of cheap pizza delivery for the kids.)

Lastly, I am grateful that Brandon puts me to bed most nights when I hit the wall, and that I can do this entire blog post while lying horizontal in my bed with my eyes closed 80% percent of the time by using the voice to text feature on my phone. It's pretty amazing! Good night!

(This gratitude thing is a good idea…)


  1. You actually get tired of the silence? Maybe that will happen when all of my children start school... Today is Sunday though, and it seems all five of them have talked non-stop since they woke up. I don't think I remember what silence is. Ho hum.

    1. I'm never tired of the silence on the weekends! But I'm kind of afraid for next year when Rachael is in school all day. I really can max out on the quiet time--it's true! Eventually I need/want a little noisy chaos.

  2. Hey -- Rachael in a booster seat! Staying on the right side of the law, I see. Good for you.

    1. Thanks for noticing, Martin. Glad to know someone is paying attention.


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