Thursday, March 4, 2010

Channel Islands Part 2

I took WAY too many pictures, but it was a trip we will most likely only take once. (I don't like to read books more than once either. So many National Parks, so little time.)

This is the little "welcome village" not far from the dock where they had maps, latrines and picnic tables. Pretty campy and primitive.
I'm not sure why, but there were several pieces of rusty farm equipment right by the picnic tables. I could have asked the guide if we had been part of the group tour, but our crew wasn't really fit for a group tour. (We needed a little more freedom and flexibility
if you know what I mean.)
I would have liked to have heard the history behind this cool little dug out out too, but we were on a mission: could we make the 5 mile round trip hike to Potato Harbor and back before the boat arrived at 3:30? We had less than five hours. We knew Kate and Will could make it, but what adventures would the younger two provide? (That's a nice way of saying I was worried they would ruin the trip with their shenanigans.)
Off we go!

At the top of this hill we got a really good view of the beach where the boat docked.
It was right about this point Elizabeth said, "Are we almost there?"
0.1 miles into a 5 mile hike. I knew it was coming, just not so soon.
Another half of a mile along this beautiful bluff . . .
. . . and we arrived at Cavern Point.

Such a beautiful place.

Questions to ask at this point: do we stop there, enjoy the scenery and turn back? What becomes of Elizabeth? Does anyone die from over exposure to whining?

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