Saturday, April 30, 2011


Will's soccer game was cancelled this morning due to two inches of snow on the ground. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I'm here:
And here:
 Way here:
And here:
Here too:
Also here:
Definitely here:
So here:
When dear Ashely, our babysitter, texted me this morning to tell me about the soccer game cancellation, I texted back saying she has my car and my debit card so she should be fine for awhile. I'm not going back until I know the coast is clear.  (Wait, there is not coast!  Okay, so maybe I'm just not going back . . .) 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

The sun came out for a bit today--Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Apologies

Is it possible to die from lack of sun exposure? If so, all of Utah county is about to go the way of the dodo bird.

Would someone, anyone, who lives in this area please assure me that this "spring" weather is not normal? One of the reasons we moved here was because of the number of sunny days. Are all those sunny days saved up for the summer months alone or something? I swear I'm going to die from seasonal affective disorder.

I just watched a series of these youtube videos in an effort to force some happy into me so I can carry on with all the planned festivities of Easter weekend. (This guy is the funniest clean comedian ever! Just hit "replay" to view Emergency Room Part 2.) I'm gearing up to go to the grocery store right now (yes, the night before Easter dinner), but I really just want to crawl into bed with a book or my laptop. I am going OUT. OF. MY. MIND.

My neighbor that reads my blog asked me if that picture of Rachael in my Easterpalooza post was taken in our yard in California. Yes, Jen, yes it was. In the land of perpetual sun, mild temps, and overgrown lushness--that was my home of yesteryear.

Sure, we were broke, the state was broke, the government was incompetent, the work environment for doctors was hostile and frustrating, the possibility of certain death from a massive earthquake was high, the pace was way too fast, the proximity to Hollywood too close, but California is a naturally beautiful and sunshiny place year round, and sunshine is a very real happy drug for me--I'm missing it right now. Bad.

I actually wore my grandma quilt coat to Will's soccer game yesterday and I was STILL CHILLY!  Brandon brought his bonsai trees back in last night because it was supposed to dip below 30 degrees. It's not right, folks, it's just not right.

Sigh. Just had to get that off my chest.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Arches Day 2

After sleeping off our banana boats and lazing the morning away, we got ready for another round of arches:

I didn't really think anything could be better than those views from our hike to Double O Arch, but then we headed into Double Arch:
Wait for it . . .
 It gets bigger . . .
Look at the little ant people up inside:
 Brandon and Kate are in there:
 Let the climbing begin!
Up in the bowl:

Brandon and I took Elizabeth up in there after Kate and Will came down, even though they said it would be too hard for her. Elizabeth is pretty scrappy and made it with no problem. (Better than I did!) 

 Down in the cracks and crevices:

And of course, up into the arch itself:


The views from up inside were spectacular:

Isn't he cute?

Heading out:

Kate frequently borrows my FAVORITEST sweatshirt of all time--my hooded APS sweatshirt from nineteen summers ago! (I worked in a fish cannery up in Kodiak, Alaska with my college roommate and best friend. She and I and one other 19--year-old girl ran the kitchen up there, making and cleaning up three meals a day for all the people working in the cannery. Such an adventure.) 
Lunch break at the RV:

Then we walked "across the street" to another set of arches, Turret and Windows:

 The other side:
Windows. (I think it should be called "glasses" or "eyes with a lumpy nose," but hey.)
The back side:
One eye up close:

More gorgeous vistas:


Heading back out:

Rachael fanagled the Camelbak from Elizabeth after she got tired of carrying it:
 Could this child be any cuter?

My fav:
Come back tomorrow (or soon . . .) for DAY 3!

And go onto Deseret News and make a comment on my latest blog!  It was the #1 read blog yesterday for most of the day--woo hoo! (No wonder, I was talking about women and fat . . .)
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