Tuesday, June 28, 2011

American Gothic

You can't really go to central Iowa and not visit this place:
C'mon! You know:
Most people mistakenly think this is a picture of a husband and wife, but it's actually a father and his spinster daughter. (The models were his dentist and sister.)

There's a cute little museum/visitor's center next to the house:

But the best thing about the visitor's center are the costumes and props available for photographs: 

It took a LOT of tries to get us all with straight faces:

My word, they are cute:

After changing out of the costumes, we were told that an author currently lives in the house and makes/sells pies. What would you do?

We grabbed some Breyer's vanilla and took our pie to a park: 

 Will lost a molar:

It was getting dark, but we went for a quick walk around the lake: 

Water benders:
Nothing like a full moon on the horizon at the end of a day:


  1. That family photo needs to be your family Christmas card!!!!! Awesome-I love it.

  2. Love it! Hey, was that the Pie lady? She looks familiar and I read an article or something maybe a blog post about a lady that makes pies. I don't know. It's a weird day, so who knows?


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