Sunday, December 9, 2012

2012 Christmas Card Picture

It's been a rough year for trying to pull together a Christmas card picture. You would think I would be more interested and motivated, but I haven't been. Today after church Brandon finally convinced me to just do something casual in front of the tree, so we made everyone put on something red or brownish, put the camera on a bunch of books on top of a ladder step, and hoped for the best. This is what we ended up with.

Just testing the light:
Rachael and Yuki have identical head tilts which could be cute if Rachael didn't look like she's just been hypnotized. And Elizabeth's eyes are a problem:
 Again, Rachael and Yuki have issues:
This one isn't too bad, except Yuki is more interested in getting down than being part of our family picture (go figure!):
Rachael has that deer in the headlights thing going on again, Yuki is trying to escape, and Elizabeth's hair is in her face:
The sun was going down and our house lights weren't cutting it, so I thought I'd try the dreaded flash. There was no way I could get everyone to sit there while I tried to figure out aperture and iso for a better picture, so we just went auto. Unfortunately, good light or no,  Rachael and Yuki are at it again, and the flash is reflecting off Brandon's glasses:
Brandon took his glasses off, but Elizabeth is too forward, and Rachael looks like she needs to use the bathroom:
Now we're getting somewhere with facial expressions, but Elizabeth is still too out front, and for some reason, the puppy isn't obeying our commands to look at the camera:
Brandon forgot to take off his glasses for this one, and Rachael is still straining a smidge, but we were all at the end of our happy face rope by this point. And look! Yuki is actually looking at the camera! And so, I think this is it folks:
Only 15 more days until Christmas!


  1. That's fantastic! After an attempt at pictures with a photographer that didn't turn out, and after Eliza seriously skinned her nose on the concrete at my parents the day after Thanksgiving, I decided it just wasn't going to happen this year. Maybe we'll try again at Valentine's! Ah, the dreaded family pictures! :)

    1. Yes,dreaded! Rachael has a skinned nose in her pre-school picture this year. It's awesome.

  2. This is exactly why in the conversation with my 11 year old this morning I explained why the 6 chickens, 2 goats and rabbit will likely NEVER make it into a family photo. It's hard enough to get 7 HUMANS to look decent for a camera shot without worrying about the darn animals too.
    Merry Christmas.

    1. Ya, this may be Yuki's grand debut and swan song all in one in one!


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