Thursday, January 5, 2012

Current Weaknesses, A Retreat, and Best Pictures (Oct.)

We are currently suffering through the dreaded after Christmas break "transition week" in which no one can wake up on time, the laundry is never caught up, the decorations are half up and half down, and the numbers on the scale are frightening. It's also my week at Deseret news (just wrote what amounted to an opinion piece about how of course breastfeeding in public should be legal, supported, and accepted, but for heavens sake--please cover up!) and one of Brandon's brothers and his family are in town for a few more days. What this means is we are definitely NOT back on track yet . . .
Weaknesses: Vintage gourmet root beer (what I got for him), Teavana herbal teas in flavors such as zarbinger ginger coconut (what he got for me), and traditional onko (sweet bean paste) filled Japanese mochi (pounded rice). (It's a New Year's thing. We haven't had it in so long. I brought some back from California.)

A Retreat: April and Saren put together a retreat in southern California not realizing it was OUR CITY! The city from which we just arrived! The city in which we lived for four years and gave birth to our last child! The city where my husband is from and where his family still lives! So of course I have to go, and so do you. Early bird pricing ends tomorrow. Check it out.  (I will speak on something. I hope Saren tells me before I get there.) If you can't go all the way to southern California and you live in Utah, you could try this on for size. (Tiffany is awesome. You would love her.)

Best Pictures: I got the idea from another blog to do a "Best Pictures of 2011" post. Doesn't that sound fun?  If I ever get around to it, I'd include some of these I took in my backyard in October:

The End
P.S. Someone's kidney stones are sitting on my bathroom counter. It pays the bills.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I keep debating the So. Cal retreat myself. My sis-in-law has been bugging me to come visit, there are some great prices on flights and so on and so forth. Maybe you'll see me there, who knows?

    Your introduction to breastfeeding in public and top photos of 2011 in the same paragraph, had me a little concerned there for a minute...

    You're great. Hope January works out to see each other. Happy New Year! (How far into January is that still okay to say?)


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